Friday, 7 February 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00
Kickoff session
prelimary agenda:
10:00 Welcome to SustainableSolutionsMatch: Why do we need a SustainableSolutionsMatch now? (Maaike van Overmeire, VLAIO & Silke Schleiff, TUTECH)
10:10 Keynote 1: The power of sustainable innovation - how SMEs can make a change towards a new economic framework (Michael Laermann, ecopreneur)
- is the political voice of European sustainable businesses. The mission of ecopreneur is to pursue advocacy and project activities to create a sustainable economy, with special attention to the position of sustainable SMEs across Europe.
10:25 Short guided tour through the programme of SustainableSolutionsMatch
10:40 Keynote 2: A vision for sustainable growth within planetary boundaries: The EU transition pathways and how companies can get involved in the implementation process (Leonor Santa Clara, European Commission, DG GROW)
11:00 #EENcanhelp - Introduction to EEN advisory and partnering services (Reyes Sansegundo, Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, Chair of Thematic Group Sustainability of Enterprise Europe Network)
11:10 Let's make Europe more circular! How Up2Circ supports EU SMEs with the uptake of circular business model, product and process innovation (Nicoletta Marchiandi, CCIAATO, coordinator of Up2Circ project)
11:20 Closure of main session
11:30-12:00 in breakout rooms: details and Q&A on specific EU transition pathways