Sweden-Brazil R&D&I Matchmaking

Florianópolis, Brazil

Project cooperationUpdated on 25 April 2024

Circular Fibre / circular products

Fredrik Forsman

Manager Business & Industry at SVID - Swedish Industrial Design Foundation



Research Foundation focusing on sustainable development/production/ industrial transition through design methods. For now, we are looking for collaboration partners in a pre-research project that is looking into the circular production of products from a Brazilian-sourced fiber with recently discovered fantastic properties. If you are in this field - don't hesitate to get in contact with us.

Fredrik Forsman

Head Business & Industry



Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign

Swedish Industrial Design Foundation

Svensksundsvägen 13

SE-111 49 Stockholm

Tel. +46 8 406 84 46 Mob. +46 700 90 82 92



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