Sweden-Brazil R&D&I Matchmaking

Florianópolis, Brazil



portal.abipti.org.br/BRASILIA, DF, Brazil


Established in 1980, the Brazilian Association of Technological Research and Innovation Institutions (Abipti) brings together approximately 150 members, including public and private entities engaged in scientific and technological research and development, spread across the five regions and 27 states of the Federation.

As a leader in the field for over 40 years, the Association operates as one of the main institutions within the country's science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) ecosystem, promoting capacity-building activities, policy advocacy, and knowledge generation and dissemination.

With the purpose of representing and fostering the participation of Research and Technological Organizations (RTO´S), Abipti is always present in key milestones that establish guidelines for sector strengthening, also aiming to connect institutes with companies, exerting systematic efforts in pursuit of innovation.

Abipti's trajectory is directly linked to maintaining a continuous agenda supporting the sector's main demands through partnerships with key actors in the country's research and innovation ecosystem, such as MCTI, Finep, CNPq, Administrative Councils, Committees, and also acting in the National Congress as the Executive Secretariat of the Parliamentary Front for Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation.

Nationally, Abipti holds seats and participates in important administrative and advisory boards, including the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq); Board of Directors of the Center for Strategic Management and Studies (CGEE); Board of Directors of the Institute of Technology of Pernambuco (ITEP); National Committee for Sustainable Production and Consumption (MMA); SIBRATEC / MCTI Committees; and the Scientific and Technical Committee of the National Petroleum Agency (COMITEC-ANP).

Internationally, the Association has included in its portfolio for some years actions and international cooperation, such as the INCOBRA project of the Horizon 2020 Program, where Abipti served, from 2016 to 2019, as the project's ambassador in Brazil for dissemination and outreach actions, and the realization of International Technical Missions aimed at encouraging interaction between Brazil's and foreign innovation environments. The first International Immersion Mission in Innovation Ecosystems to Israel was held in November 2019, with a strategic focus on health, energy, and RTO´S.

Confident in the work of the institutions it represents, Abipti, together with the various partners involved in each of its actions, continues to contribute decisively to the strengthening and scientific and technological development crucial for Brazil's sustainable growth.


To represent and promote the participation of research, development, and technological innovation entities (RDTIs) in the establishment and implementation of policies aimed at the National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation.


The future vision indicates what the Organization expects to be at a certain time and space and describes what it aims to achieve objectively in the coming years of its existence. Based on the Strategic Management Plan - 2010/2022, the future vision established for ABIPTI is: "To be the reference association in representing the interests of RDTIs."


• Commitment

• Ethics

• Innovation

• Transparency

• Excellence

• Respect for Memory

• Social and Environmental Responsibility

• Participatory Management

Social media


AeronauticsBioeconomyDigitalization and AI (Artificial Intelligence)Life science (Healthcare)Sustainable CitiesSustainable MiningOther