
Rabea Steinle

Manager Cluster & Start-ups

Baden-wuerttemberg International Gmbh

3 profile visitsConsultants / Sales persons

BW_i ist die Standortförderungsagentur von BW und Partner im EU-Programm Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, das erfahrene Unternehmer mit Gründern vernetzt.

My organisation

As Europe’s leading region for innovation, Baden-Württemberg is one of the top locations for investing in the future. International investors will discover the region’s strong economic potential and powerful infrastructure. It offers an innovative environment thanks to close links between business and science. The location is also home to people who are setting the tone on topics relevant to the future, such as resource efficiency, Industry 4.0, sustainable mobility and artificial intelligence. As one-stop-agency, BW_i assists investors as well as the state’s regions and municipalities in all questions and phases of attracting business in order to position our location as favourably as possible on a global level and strengthen the location in the long term: Investor service BW_i assists foreign companies, clusters, networks, universities and research institutes on their journey to settling in Baden-Württemberg. Read more! Service for economic developers BW_i supports the regions and municipalities in Baden-Württemberg with an extensive portfolio of services for successful location marketing. Read more!
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About me

Managerin für Cluster & Start-ups bei Baden-Württemberg International, der zentralen Standortmarketingagentur für Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in und für Baden-Württemberg.

Mein Schwerpunkt liegt auf europaweiten Projekten, welche durch die EU gefördert werden. Hier vernetze ich KMU, Start-ups und Gründer durch Programme wie das Enterprise Europe Network und Erasmus für Jungunternehmer.