UK-US matchmaking for Offshore Wind R&D Competition

25 Sept 2023 – 10 Jan 2024 | United Kingdom

Project cooperationUpdated on 1 November 2023

Project Luminar: Advancing Turbine Health Monitoring with Drone-Deployed Metrology

Waiel Elmadih

Managing Director at Taraz Metrology

Nottingham, United Kingdom


Project Luminar is a groundbreaking initiative targeting the transformation of health monitoring practices for turbine sub and superstructures. Utilizing state-of-the-art laser line scanners and fast fringe projection systems mounted on drones, this project aims to revolutionize the detection of corrosion in substructures and the digital twinning of superstructures. Our goal is to enhance the precision and efficiency of data acquisition, leveraging advanced metrology for real-time insights.

Innovative Technology Integration: Our approach integrates cutting-edge laser line and fringe projection metrology, tailored for real-time data acquisition. The project will focus on overcoming the challenges of data gathering in complex environments by harnessing the potential of these advanced systems. For more insights into our technological foundation, visit:

Hardware Enhancements: To ensure the utmost accuracy and stability in data collection, Project Luminar is dedicated to refining the hardware used in these operations. By incorporating innovative metamaterials and advanced wave and noise reduction techniques, we aim to minimize the impact of vibrations and environmental factors, paving the way for unparalleled precision in health monitoring. (see

AI-Powered Analysis: At the core of our project lies an AI-driven analytical framework, capable of not just interpreting complex datasets but also predicting potential data gaps. This predictive capacity ensures comprehensive health monitoring, identifying risks before they escalate into costly damages.

Partnership Invitation: We are actively seeking a US partner who shares our vision for advancing turbine health monitoring technology. Whether you possess expertise in drone technology, advanced metrology, or AI-driven analytics, your contribution can be pivotal in achieving our objectives. Join us in pioneering a new era of precision and reliability in turbine health monitoring.

Embark on this collaborative journey with Project Luminar – where innovation, accuracy, and partnership converge to redefine the future of turbine health monitoring.


  • Early


  • Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Systems Development


  • Research

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