UN International Procurement Seminar 2025

11–12 Mar 2025 | Copenhagen, Denmark


International Procurement Agency B.V.


www.ipa-bv.nlNaarden, Netherlands


IPA is a trusted and reliable partner to clients in low and middle income countries (LMICs) and conflict area's, providing independent procurement expertise and a reliable and resilient supply chain, often in remote areas without modern infrastructure.

We’re a strong multidisciplinary team, working with non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), governments, UN organisations, and domestic and foreign development organisations.

By delivering food, shelter, emergency supplies and pharmaceuticals we make an impact and change people’s livelihoods.

As consultants and service providers, we develop and implement the robust supply chains and procurement solutions that allow communities in crisis to regain their future.

From our HQ just outside Amsterdam, and our offices in Kampala and Juba, we support clients and projects around the globe. Our offices in East Africa can serve clients autonomously, or in close cooperation with our head office.

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Esther van Wegen

Operational Manager - International Procurement Agency

International Procurement Agency B.V.

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