UX Conference

18.09.2023 – 30.09.2024 | Vereinigtes Königreich

ServiceAktualisiert am 3. September 2023

Principles of UX/UI Design

Joshua Moller

Design Leader & DesignOps Pioneer bei Pexel Mag GmbH

Stockholm, Schweden


Learn the basics of UX research and design. Apply the UX process to identify and test solutions for problems. Develop user personas and use UX insights to guide design decisions.

Utilize the UI design process to create wireframes and MVP prototypes in Figma. Learn design principles such as hierarchy and grids.

By the end of the course, you will be able to design digital products that solve user problems, evaluate existing interfaces, identify best practices for interaction design, and create and test UX/UI designs following guidelines.

This is a beginner course for those interested in a career in UX/UI development. No prior development experience is required, only basic internet navigation skills and a willingness to learn.

What you'll learn

  • Describe the fundamentals of User Experience (UX) design and research

  • Describe accessibility considerations in design

  • Practice developing user empathy through research

  • Create wireframes and prototypes in Figma


Pexel Mag GmbH


Stockholm, Schweden

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