23 April 2024 - 26 April 2024


The event is VIRTUAL. It will take place on B2Match platform. Participants are required to register on the platform.

2nd Matchmaking for the Call on Societal Consequences of War of Aggression against Ukraine

Welcome to the virtual matchmaking sessions!

We're excited to bring together stakeholders from public, private and civil society sectors to discuss possibilities for collaboration and implementation of joint projects under ESF+ SI+ initiative call 'Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal Consequences of Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine within EU Countries’.

This event provides a great opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded individuals and organisations, as well as experts in the field of social innovation. Find a project partner, be visible to other actors of social innovation ecosystem, exchange ideas on how innovative methods/practices that have been proven successful in other contexts, countries or regions may be transferred or scaled up to tackle pressing societal problems.

Key information

Virtual matchmaking sessions will take place on 23-26 April 2024.

Registration for the matchmaking event is compulsory and will be open from 18 April until 25 April 2024.

Entities which are eligible participants under the Call - legal persons established and registered in the EU Member States - can register for the event. Please note that participation of no more than two representatives of an organisation will be approved by the organisers.

Contact us

Transnational Calls Team