Event networking - b2match

b2b Matchmaking

How to Organize Hybrid B2B Matchmaking Events and Boost Conversions


Mar 16, 20234 min read

One of the first steps in networking organizations is deciding on a location. In the past, matchmaking events would take place in person, but with rapid digitalization and a need for new, more inclusive ways of networking, virtual matchmaking events are becoming more and more popular.

Of course, there is no need you should limit yourself to one or the other, because hybrid event networking is also a great way to go! In this article, we will write about hybrid B2B networking events and how to successfully organize them.

What specifically is a hybrid event?

Well, it is quite self-explanatory - a hybrid networking event is an event that combines elements of both in-person and virtual networking, making it more diverse and attainable for the audience.

A key factor in hybrid matchmaking events is the usage of a b2b event networking platform that helps your participant virtually connect with other event attendees. The b2match networking platform is a great example of such software, giving you as an organizer endless options regarding helpful and personalized features that raise the value and effect of your events.

Hybrid matchmaking events also include a variety of activities such as panel discussions, workshops, 1 on 1 meeting, and many more, all of which can be accessed by attendees both in-person and virtually. This type of event networking is really useful for organizers that want to maximize their reach and create opportunities for their participants to connect and network, regardless of their location.

Hybrid event networking platform

To make an in-person event hybrid, the first thing you have to do is choose an all-in-one online networking software that will provide your participants with valuable virtual features during the event. The b2match hybrid b2b networking platform will help you utilize the power of software and combine the excitement of in-person events and the global reach of virtual events. With its usage of smart AI event matchmaking, all types of meetings are now available!

The platform allows you to:

  • Segment participants with a flexible registration form
  • Set up participant limits for crowd management
  • Distinguish between virtual, hybrid, or in-person sessions
  • Help participants easily switch their attendance and existing meetings to virtual
  • And many more...

Help your participants easily switch attendances

Having to choose between either virtual or in-person attendance is now a thing of the past. b2mach allows your attendees to easily switch their attendance and existing in-person meetings to virtual!

You have to keep in mind that plans change, so giving your participants a way to still conduct their meetings even if they are prevented to do so for some reason in-person, will make you an amazing networking event host. In case of unforeseen circumstances, attendees can now seamlessly switch their attendance from in-person to virtual (and vice versa) and keep all of their meetings.

Hybrid event agenda

A hybrid event necessitates careful planning. It tends to be a bit more complicated, therefore in-person participants require more specific instructions on where and when to go. If you are planning a hybrid event, don’t forget to include welcome and introductory sessions, workshops, and pitch presentations that will get your event going.

Scheduling can be of great use, especially when we talk about increasing your event’s 1 to 1 meeting numbers. With the hybrid event, participants don’t have to decide between attending b2b meetings and other workshops, because they are not competing for their time resources.

With scheduling, you can also decide on a break between the sessions and the 1 to 1 meetings, making sure there is enough time for every participant's needs between sessions. This will make your attendee's networking experience that much better, allowing them not to miss any of their meetings and to review their personal agendas.

To help your participants not to feel overwhelmed, try not to schedule many events during the end of the day, and make the networking event flow more bearable. If you think you will still be having a hard time scheduling enough one-to-one meetings, look into offering post-event matchmaking for your attendees. It is an amazing solution for not having a hybrid event that is too long, while still offering enough matchmaking opportunities.

Livestream your event

If you decided on going hybrid, why not use one of the best features that the b2match smart networking event software provides?

You could say that hybrid events are a great way to fight virtual networking event fatigue. With the b2match hybrid event networking tool, you can give your participants the benefit of being away from their devices and interacting with colleagues during live, in-person sessions. It helps you to deliver similar benefits to your online attendees as well as broadcasting your in-person sessions. In real-time, your participants can enjoy the networking experience from any part of the world. All you have to do is to use live stages that will include your virtual audience engagement with various polls, chats, and Q&As, which you can easily moderate.

With this all-in-one b2b networking platform, event matchmaking organizing complications are a thing of the past. The b2match event management software gives you a wide range of beneficial features that will uplift any kind of b2b matchmaking event, whether virtual, hybrid or in-person.

Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!

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