Event networking - b2match

b2b Matchmaking

The #1 Value Add You Must Offer Event Participants

Grgur Tustonjic

Mar 3, 20223 min read

On any type of b2b event, whether the focus is on virtual, hybrid or in-person event networking, rich participant profiles are a crucial factor for increasing the number of meetings. The more information they show, the more likely they are to pique the interest of other participants. However, it is important to present this information in a clear and organized way. This is what inspired b2match, the event matchmaking software, to create the Marketplace back in 2017.

Since then, it has evolved into one of the most useful tools you can use to take your event to the next level.

An Essential Component of Participant Profiles

The Marketplace is a feature that allows your participants to upload their own content in the form of what we call Marketplace opportunities. These opportunities are then displayed on the Marketplace page, the participant’s profile, and/or the company profile. A standard Marketplace opportunity consists of:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Classifiers
  • Images
  • Embedded videos
  • Files 
Marketplace entry on b2match platform created by Globex Smart Solar Panels with text description and image of solar panelsMarketplace entry on b2match platform created by Globex Smart Solar Panels with text description and image of solar panels
Image: Marketplace Opportunity

Its structure provides a lot of options for the participants, making it easier for them to showcase what they offer. Marketplace opportunities can be seen as an extension of their profiles and provide an added value to your event. This is especially the case for events with a large number of participants. The Marketplace provides them the opportunity to stand out and increase their visibility.

The custom classifiers play an important role in such big events. In the organizer’s tool, you can choose which categories of opportunities the participants can upload. 

Screenshot of b2match organizer tool showing opportunity categories such as product, suervice partnership etcScreenshot of b2match organizer tool showing opportunity categories such as product, suervice partnership etc
Image: Marketplace opportunity categories in the organizer’s tool*

These represent the first level of categorization. Additionally, you can define another group of classifiers, which provide more details. Participants can select more than one classifier and efficiently categorize their opportunities. 

Screenshot of b2match organizer tool showing customizable opportunity classifiers within a Marketplace category. Example edit product market application keywordsScreenshot of b2match organizer tool showing customizable opportunity classifiers within a Marketplace category. Example edit product market application keywords
Image: Customizable opportunity classifiers within a Marketplace category

The real value of these classifiers lies in the fact that participants can use them to easily filter the Marketplace. It allows them to quickly find interesting opportunities without scrolling through a list of hundreds of items.

Screenshot of b2match marketplace entry with expanded search box to display search criteria such as manufacturer, buyer, suppliers etcScreenshot of b2match marketplace entry with expanded search box to display search criteria such as manufacturer, buyer, suppliers etc
Image: Filters on the Marketplace page

For participants who know exactly what they are looking for, there’s the built-in smart search functionality.

What’s in a Name? 

b2match allows you to create a wide array of networking events, such as trade shows, hosted buyer program, startup investor events, career fairs, etc. Based on what the event is about, the Marketplace can be renamed so that it fits the brief. That is one of the biggest underlying powers of the Marketplace, it can be whatever you need it to be. 

The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien used the Marketplace for their job fair event Digitale Firmenmesse. Companies posted job ads and the candidates could easily request a meeting with them, or send them a CV.

Screenshot of b2match marketplace entry with expanded search box to display search criteria such as full-time part-time internship etcScreenshot of b2match marketplace entry with expanded search box to display search criteria such as full-time part-time internship etc
Image: The Marketplace used for posting job ads

Hong Kong Trade Development Council created a place on their event AFF Deal Flow Matchmaking Session 2022 where global investors and project owners can connect and unlock various business opportunities.

Screenshot of b2match marketplace entry with search box clicked on countries/regions to display projectsScreenshot of b2match marketplace entry with search box clicked on countries/regions to display projects
Image: The Marketplace used for posting projects

Custom Developments of the Marketplace

In addition to renaming the Marketplace, b2match also offers custom development to make sure your Marketplace completely reflects the needs of your event participants.

ACCIÓ - Agency for Business Competitiveness needed more categories of classifiers for their Catalonia Open Challenges platform. For example, their “Public Procurement” opportunity type has five categories of classifiers:

  • Field of Application
  • Type
  • Status
  • Technology
  • Looking for

This provides their participants a wider range of filters, allowing them to find relevant opportunities in just a few clicks.

Screenshot of b2match marketplace entry with customized search criteria such as healthcare, smart cities, energyScreenshot of b2match marketplace entry with customized search criteria such as healthcare, smart cities, energy
Image: Customized Marketplace opportunity with additional filters

Furthermore, Interreg Central Europe’s Applicant Event Community Platform was brought to a whole new level thanks to a customized Marketplace. Their applicants were able to share their project ideas, find potential partners and receive consultations from Interreg’s experts.

Virtual and Hybrid Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Since we’re still dealing with the uncertainty that goes along with the global pandemic, more and more event organizers turn to virtual exhibitions. They need a way for their exhibitors to showcase their products and services and recreate the physical booth usually found on on-site exhibitions and trade shows.

With b2match, you can allow only exhibitors to create Marketplace opportunities, making a clear distinction between them and regular event attendees. This way, exhibitors can stand out and get more investors or leads.

Seeing how virtual events usually get more participants, they can reach a much larger audience 24/7. Therefore, the Marketplace represents the perfect opportunity for your exhibitors to maximize their presence on the event and increase their ROI.

Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!

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