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b2b Matchmaking

Building a Strong Community: Utilizing Engaging Features of Event Networking Platforms for Startup Investor Events

The heart of any successful startup investor event lies not just in the transactions made, but in the communities built. More than funding and exposure, these events present a unique opportunity to foster a strong, engaged community that transcends beyond the event itself. A community that nurtures


Sep 13, 20233 min read

b2b Matchmaking

Increase Your Alumni Network’s Engagement with Online Communities

Although a lot of students have very pleasant memories of their time in school or university, the majority of alumni are likely to be less engaged once they have graduated. However, things don't have to be that way! People are now bombarded with more commercial emails, advertisements, and social med


Jan 23, 20236 min read

Community Platform

b2match Community Platform: Increase Participant Collaboration

On November 15, Interreg Central Europe opened a new call for project proposals. It marked the beginning of a new phase of funding projects aimed at transnational cooperation. Their goal is to tackle challenges and find solutions for a smarter, greener, better connected, and more integrated central

Grgur Tustonjic

Oct 22, 20214 min read