b2b Matchmaking
Virtual Event Networking: How to Connect with Online Event Participants

Feb 27, 20234 min read
When thinking about virtual events, you may think that connecting with people is way harder than during in-person events. While in-person events do have some benefits like attendees interacting with each other face-to-face, and engaging in informal conversations, virtual event networking has its many benefits.
Although virtual event networking can also provide amazing opportunities for business interactions, they tend to require more intentional efforts to connect participants in a more meaningful way.
In this article, we will list some of the steps you can follow to connect with your online event participants.
Learn about them
The most important thing when producing a successful virtual networking event is understanding your audience. After you have decided on your business goals and objectives, you are well assured for whom you may organize your event.
To ensure that the event you are organizing will be interesting enough for your target group to sign in to it, write down all of their interests, current business trends, etc.
Learn about their digital skills too, to know if virtual events would be suitable for them. The b2match virtual matchmaking platform for events is easy to be used, so your attendees can enjoy digital networking no matter how “digital-savvy” they are.
Find out their needs
By using a customizable and personalized registration process finding out your participant's needs through data integration has never been easier. With b2match you can customize the registration form and participation types but also give your participants a space to personalize their profiles. These profiles can give you numerous important information that can help you better understand your audience and also give you new and fresh business ideas.
1 on 1 or group meetings
Whether your participants prefer their networking to be one-on-one or to be done in a group setting, the b2match business matching platform can help you provide them space to go in any direction! With a fully integrated solution for 1 on 1 and/or group online meetings, your participants can now easily connect. It helps everyone achieve their business goals and seize business opportunities with only a few clicks!
After the participants have requested and scheduled their online meetings, they can use our built-in video call feature that requires no additional software or plugins. They can effortlessly screen share and use the integrated chat to help them connect and build their new business relationships even faster.
Create the community
The best thing about organizing networking events is being able to create long-lasting communities that can strengthen business relationships between your attendees. While you can help and support community development during your event, post-event activities are the ideal time to do so.
Try and think again about your target audience and, of course, participants that took part in your digital event matchmaking and notice what are the places and ways that would help them to stay connected. This is important because seeing you care about them by providing them space for connecting after the event helps them see and remember you in a positive, caring light.
That’s where b2match event matchmaking software comes in handy. During the event, we suggest you try and capture memorable event moments, useful insights, or any part of the event that you think your audience would like to talk about after it has ended. Producing images, and videos via live streaming can be great material for social media posting. You can choose “top event moments” that you think your attendees would like to talk about and share them on your profiles, enabling your social media engagement to grow.
Giving your participants the option to have a meeting after the event has ended is a great way to help them make meaningful connections even more. Networking events can sometimes be a lot, and there is often not enough time for everyone to meet and share their knowledge and experiences. That is why b2match gives you an option for post event matchmaking.
By enabling flexible matchmaking after the event, you are opening space for numerous new business opportunities. Around 70% of participants will log in and browse profiles after the event, so why not listen to their needs and enable custom meeting dates and times? That way, participants can have meetings during a predefined time period after the event.
The built-in calendar also helps them and provides a simple scheduling experience. The b2match event networking platform gives your attendees flexible scheduling that allows meetings at any hour of the day, regardless of their real-life schedule. Advanced matchmaking software also calculates time differences and suggests suitable meeting times for both participants automatically!
While making real business connections and relationships via online channels may be harder than doing so in person, conducting an online networking event has many benefits. By applying these easy tips, you will soon master the art of planning memorable and successful networking events and connect more easily with your participants. Give a virtual event networking platform a try and begin your online networking event journey.
Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!
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