Event networking - b2match

b2b Matchmaking

Participant Reveals Why b2b Matchmaking Makes an Event Successful

Britta Pichler

Jun 16, 20212 min read

When surveyed, 91% of event organizers measure the success of their events based on attendee satisfaction. (EventMB)

So we decided to create a use case not from the event organizer’s perspective, but from an attendee point of view. Read on to see why participants like to attend events that use b2match - the tech-powered event matchmaking software.

Manuel Hartmann, founder and CEO of SalesPlaybook, started his company in 2019. He built it up to over 140 clients in two years. SalesPlaybook accelerates the sales cycle for b2b entrepreneurs. They help set up scalable and functioning sales processes to generate leads and acquire larger customers.

Manuel Hartmann attends a lot of conferences to expand his network. Some of the conferences that he attended pivoted to virtual events using b2match, our AI event matchmaking tool. Manuel Hartmann said,

START Summit had been on my radar to attend. StartUp Days is embedded in my entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

His goals in attending these events is to obtain knowledge, learn from great entrepreneurs and to make business match making more efficient. Manuel Hartmann said,

“When done well, event business matchmaking is more efficient for me than setting up meetings one-by-one or sending out cold emails.”

Business matchmaking is a method to identify and match (connect) attendees with common business interests, complementary services, expertise, technologies or business strengths. The goal is to create cooperative connections and realize business opportunities that mutually benefit both parties. It is the most efficient way to find, meet, and talk to new collaboration partners in short, one-to-one talks either onsite or online.

The core feature of the b2b matchmaking is the platform’s marketplace. The b2match marketplace is like a catalogue of highly targeted networking opportunities. The catalogue offers detailed descriptions created by event participants of products and services that are being looked for or are on offer with photos, videos and files. When finding an interesting request or offer from another participant, attendees merely click a button to request a 1-to-1 meeting to discuss things further. The virtual or hybrid meetings are conducted on the b2match event networking platform.

“The filter function to see who is who and what their intent is makes finding a high quality match quick and easy,”

Manuel Hartmann said.

He also appreciated that the b2match event matchmaking platform was overall easy to access and navigate.

As a participant of b2match facilitated events, Manuel Hartmann can give valuable insider feedback to event organizers.

“If you are organizing an easy event, then yes, go for Hopin. If you want to host a serious networking event with business matchmaking, b2match is the provider of choice.”

To maximize the business matchmaking aspect of the event platform, event organizers need to inform and encourage participants to fully fill out their profiles and marketplace entries. This gives them a boost in the search function which will deliver high end b2b matchmaking opportunities for them.

To find out more about how b2match, an all in one event management software for virtual, hybrid or in-person networking events, can help you organize your next event, contact us.

Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!

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