Event-Networking - b2match

Advanced Factories Open Innovation Challenge 2025


8. Apr. - 10, 2025

L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spanien



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Über dieses Event

Advanced Factories Open Innovation Challenge 2024 is a B2B international meetings event with Catalan industrial corporations with technological challenges that can be solved with 4.0 technologies. The meetings with the corporations can be held physically in the venue of the Advanced Factories Congress, online or both. In-person meetings will take place on 9th April. We will provide a pass to Advanced Factories to all participants joining our event. On-line meetings will be held from April 22th to 24th. Tech Meetings DIH4CAT: These meetings will be the gateway for for technology experts, SMEs, and startups to explore and understand the advanced services offered by DIH4CAT. These meetings aim to foster collaboration and enable SMEs to test and experiment with cutting-edge Industry 4.0 technologies. In-person meetings will take place on 8th April. We will provide a pass to Advanced Factories to all participants joining our event. On-line meetings will be held from April 22th to 24th. EIT Manufacturing Start-ups: In addition, at the EIT Manufacturing event, attendees will have the opportunity to meet and connect with some of the most innovative startups in Europe, supported by EITM. These startups will showcase their solutions, driving the advancement of Industry 4.0 by tackling current challenges such as sustainability and fostering new partnerships. In-person meetings will take place on 10th April. We will provide a pass to Advanced Factories to all participants joining our event. On-line meetings will be held from April 22th to 24th. APRIL 24TH DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION AND MEETING REQUEST


ACCIÓ Catalonia Trade&Investment