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DIM ESEE-2 innovation workshop: Innovation in exploration


20. Okt. - 22, 2021

Dubrovnik, Kroatien



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Über dieses Event

DIM ESEE-2: Implementing innovations is a lifelong learning project (2021-2024) focused on rising innovativeness among raw materials professionals in the ESEE region. This year’s workshop Innovation in exploration focuses on innovative solutions for mineral prospecting and exploration via module divided into three days: 1. Main challenges and needs in innovative mineral exploration and robotization: General (EU) policy framework for need of innovative methods in mineral exploration | Innovative solutions for and challenges in underwater spaces: sensor development, robotization | Case studies: exploration of flooded underground spaces, the UNEXMIN-UNEXUP story, sea-floor exploration. 2. Remote-sensing- and sensor-based techniques and their application in the construction of 3D models: Drone and remote sensing applications for geochemical and structural geology exploration | Drilling and well-logging data acquisition and interpretation, core scanning application demo | Demonstration of remote sensing data acquisition and interpretation by drones. 3. Advanced geophysical data processing, geostatistical methods and their innovative applications for mineral exploration: Advanced statistical analysis of multivariate (big) datasets and their application for improved lithological analysis and quantitative estimation of petrophysical properties | Inversion-based modeling for the interpretation of gravity, magnetic and geoelectric datasets | Shallow geophysical investigations by combining seismic, geoelectric and direct-push logging methods | Case studies to prospecting of ores and non-metallic mineral resources by shallow geophysical methods.


University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering