Event-Networking - b2match

Europe Days 2023


21. März - 30, 2023

Tel Aviv, Israel



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Über dieses Event

Join the conference to meet investors & business opportunities from the German, Swiss & Austrian markets, totaling 92 million users! Meet, talk & learn from top European businesses, investors & eco-systems leaders. Get pitched (Reverse Pitching) by German, Swiss & Austrian companies & investors. Gain access to investors with over €600 million to invest. 1:1 Meetings with speakers. Meet key people of the German, Swiss & Austrian tech-scenes. Receive useful, hands on information about entering the three markets. Participate in Interactive round table sessions with the speakers. Sectors that will be addressed (tbc): FoodTech/Retail, 5G/Mobile, Cyber Security, Circular Economy/ESG, Industry 4.0/IoT, Fintech/InsurTech, MR/AR, eHealth, AI, e`Logistics, Mobility. 1:1 meetings will take place onsite in-person on March 21 & online on the week of March 27. Buy your ticket now! Startups/entrepreneurs get a special price of NIS 199** as long as tickets last - Maximum of 2 tickets per startup. Full event details and speakers can be found at: www.europedays.com Looking forward to seeing you at the conference! * Online participation will be limited to main stage talks & online 1:1 meetings. Pending covid limitations, conference might switch into a full online event. ** Before VAT & ticketing fee. Regular ticket is NIS 399.


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