Event-Networking - b2match
Vor Ort

Sustainable Food Systems


7. März 2024

Lugano, Schweiz


CHF 110

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Über dieses Event

Sustainable food production is a major issue. The objective of this event is to stimulate the innovation of economic actors such as SMEs and startups along the value chain from production to consumption, helping them to initiate innovation projects based on technology. The event proposes to ask the right questions concerning innovation in a company along the value chain from food production to food consumption to ensure the sustainability of the agri-food system. The event is structured around a plenary session, a round table, breakout sessions, a targeted meeting session, a startup exhibition and a creative cocktail. It will allow participants to: • Ask the right questions about innovation opportunities • Be inspired by actors who have successfully taken the step of innovation • Connect in a targeted manner with partners in their innovation process • Be challenged and motivated during participatory discussions SMEs and startups along the value chain from food production to consumption: Discover the opportunities for innovation thanks to the connection with universities. Agri-food research centres: access economic partners and develop projects potentially supported by Innosuisse or other support organisations. Associations and umbrella organizations active in the food sector, nutrition managers in schools, nursing homes and hospitals, consumers wishing to participate constructively in the debate, join our community of interest to share and act with confidence.

