Event-Networking - b2match

#TechDays Capitalisation event


20. Apr. - 21, 2022




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Über dieses Event

The #TechDays, EU-MENA Clusters Matchmaking Capitalisation Event is organised by THE NEXT SOCIETY in the presence of the European Commission (DG NEAR and DG GROW). It aims at assessing the work done during the 5 years of implementation of the Cluster Booster Track, whether you took part in Mentoring, Benchmarking Visit & Training, #TechDays, International Business Missions or all of them! We want to hear what you have to say about the programme, the ups and downs, what went well, what you would like to improve, what tools you would like to use. But this #TechDays is also a matchmaking event for EU and MENA Clusters where you can identify prospects, plan and prepare your business meetings all within a dedicated space where you access your complete schedule and the list of your meetings. To sum it up, the objectives of this event are: • listen to you and hear what you have to say about THE NEXT SOCIETY’s Cluster Booster Track; • better understand the impact of our action; • capitalise for the future operations; • introduce the new cluster initiative; • highlight innovations and illustrate the importance to develop suitable solutions to the distinctive features of the MENA markets. • Provide a space of virtual meetings for business cooperation with key sector major actors from EU and MENA countries


ANIMA Investment Network