Matchmaking @ 18th Silicon Saxony Day

11 Jun 2024 | Dresden, Germany

Ines Thurner

General Manager

convanit GmbH&Co.KG

Dresden, Germany

13 profile visitsParticipant

My organisation

convanit GmbH&Co.KG

convanit GmbH&Co.KG

Small and medium enterprise

Dresden, Germany

We provide advanced production control through AI-based automatic image classification.

About me

Ines has a  master in physics. After 20 years in the semiconductor industries working in the field of process control and production quality for companies  like IBM, Philips, Infineon and Qimonda  she founded convanit in 2010. Her main focus is to provide the customer the  solution they need. convanit is a company that  provides technical consulting and develops AI-based solutions for production control systems.

My organisation

We provide advanced production control through AI-based automatic image classification.

Social media


  • project coach
  • Workshop Moderation


  • production control
  • yield improvement

Marketplace (2)

  • Partnership

    Advanced process control

    We are looking for partners in the area of production control to explore synergies between the solutions.


    Ines Thurner

    General Manager at convanit GmbH&Co.KG

    Dresden, Germany

  • Product

    AI based image classification

    We provide an AI based image classification for production. Easy to use and for all kind of images.

    • End user
    • Microtechnology
    • Microelectronics system

    Ines Thurner

    General Manager at convanit GmbH&Co.KG

    Dresden, Germany