Translating Europe Forum 2024

6–8 Nov 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Anna Holmén

Deputy Head of Communication Unit

DG Translation, European Commission

Brussels, Belgium



Anna Holmén studied languages and literature at Uppsala University in her native Sweden, and joined the European Commission as a translator shortly after the Swedish translation department was created at the time of Sweden’s accession to the EU. She left translation after 11 years to coordinate Juvenes Translatores, a translation competition for schools. She has stayed in communication since, keeping in touch with the translation world and its fast development. Through her job she has had the opportunity to step onto the stage to host various events and conferences, with the Translating Europe Forum as the highlight of the year.

My organisation

The Directorate-General for Translation translates texts for the European Commission into and out of the EU's 24 official languages, and a few others when needed. The department deals exclusively with written texts.

Social media


  • translation

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 7 November 2024

11:05 - 11:40


Format:Live stream
Plenary session
  • Industry
  • Training
  • Translation profession

A Q&A SESSION with a successful industry professional where the audience can ask the speaker questions