Translating Europe Forum 2024

6–8 Nov 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Bruno Herrmann

Consultant In Global Content Operations


Brussels, Belgium

2 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker


Bruno Herrmann brings 30 years of experience in leading globalisation and localisation operations involving international product, content, and customer experience. He is currently an Executive Advisor and Strategic Consultant in Global Content and Product Operations.  

Bruno is currently focused on helping organisations of various sizes and in various industries find the sweet spot for AI effectiveness in multilingual content leadership and operations. He is also the Vice-Chairman of LT-Innovate, the leading language technology and intelligence industry association. He has held several leadership roles, both on the client and agency side. From January 2020 to June 2022, he was the Director of Localisation Operations at IQVIA. From 2003 to 2019 he had roles of increasing responsibility in marketing, business operations and product leadership at the Nielsen Company. Before joining Nielsen, he managed online globalization programmes at HP and localisation operations at Compaq. Prior to joining Compaq, Bruno worked in marketing communication and localisation startups. 

Bruno is a regular speaker, panellist, moderator, and workshop leader. He has a Master’s Degree in Translation and Localisation from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and an Executive Master Degree in Digital Marketing and Communications from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.

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Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

16:15 - 17:30


Format:Live stream
Plenary session
  • AI
  • Industry
  • Technology

This panel will discuss this and topics such as AI and translators, terminology, GPT technology, etc., which will be addressed in more detail during the rest of the conference