Greg Giannakis
English-language terminologist/translator
DG Translation, European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
About me
Born in Greece and raised in Canada, Greg Giannakis has been an English-language terminologist and translator at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) since 2022. Before that, he completed internships in terminology, translation, editing and project management at DGT, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Federation of Public Health Associations. He is a graduate of the University of Geneva’s Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, where he obtained a Master of Arts in Translation and Technologies with a specialisation in terminology.
My organisation
The Directorate-General for Translation translates texts for the European Commission into and out of the EU's 24 official languages, and a few others when needed. The department deals exclusively with written texts.
Speaker sessions (1)
Thursday, 7 November 2024
14:35 - 15:45
Technology and terminology – past, present and future
- Terminology
- Technology
- Data
How does terminology help translators? How can AI help terminology work? What are the pitfalls?