23rd American Pharma & Biotech Project, Program and Portfolio Conference

16–18 Oct 2024 | Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Sandeep Kumar

Founder & CEO


Pune, India

9 profile visitsSpeakerExhibitor

Sandeep Kumar, Mtech, IISc Bangalore. AI enabled Kytes streamlines entire NPD process from molecule selection to product launch with PPM & Dossier Management.

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Solution provider

Pune, India

About me

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Kytes is a leading PSA software platform built to create value for service businesses to unlock their growth potential. With Kytes, you can simplify your business processes and gain the clarity and insights to make data driven decisions that matter. Kytes digitize and automates your end-to-end project operations including project financials, project delivery and resource management leading to revenue growth and better margins. Are you ready to elevate your business to newer heights with Kytes? Schedule a demo today!

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Speaker sessions (2)

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

16:00 - 16:30

PANEL DISCUSSION: The art and science of decision-making in biotech

Location:Beacon Hill Ballroom
  • Decision Analysis And Structured Decision Making

This panel discussion will address several approaches of different Pharma and Biotech companies to build a structured decision-making process.

Friday, 18 October 2024

13:00 - 13:30

RESERVED PRESENTATION: Accelerating time-to-market in pharma NPD: The role of AI in Project Management

Location:Beacon Hill Ballroom
  • Cell & Gene Therapy Resource Planning And New Modalities