2nd Mission Arena by Blue Mission BANOS

25–26 Apr 2024 | Riga, Latvia

Erika Augustinsson

Innovation manager

Region Blekinge

Karlskrona, Sweden

1 profile visitSpeaker

I work with smart specialisation in Region Blekinge. We work with mission oriented innovation, and focus on two EU missions, Oceans and Climate adaptation.

About me

My organisation

Region Blekinge, promote growth and strategic development in the Blekinge region. We strive to foster a thriving business community by providing support, resources, and networking opportunities to local companies, organisations and citizens.

In our innovation strategy we have 3 main areas:

1. Smart industry - moulding technology and marine technology

2. Tech - digitalisation and smarter societies

3. Missions - with a focus on society's challenge

Both smart industry and tech are large areas that make up significant parts of the regional economy. The third specialisation, Missions, differs from the others in that it is a method for addressing the societal challenges we face at local, regional and global levels. Through this specialisation, Blekinge can be at the forefront and play an active role in working towards a sustainable future.

Blekinge's strategy for smart specialisation.pdf (regionblekinge.se)

Social media


  • innovation, sustainability, foresight, EU, regions

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 25 April 2024

16:00 - 17:45

Viable business models for a sustainable blue economy: How can we improve interaction between research, public sector and the business community?

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 1
  • Business Support

This workshop will present the preliminary results of the Mission-funded Prep4Blue project.