3Pi competition

23 Sept 2024 | Zurich, Switzerland

Iwan Haechler

CEO Solabs Nanotechnology

Solabs Nanotechnology

Zurich, Switzerland


About me

Key competencies: Scientific work | Optical engineering | Thermodynamics | Project management | Innovation creation | Networking

Relevant experience: 8+ years of research (ETHZ, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Paul Scherrrer Institute, Chalmers University of Technology) | Strategy management APAC Infineon Singapore | Supply chain and sales ABB Switzerland

Education: CAS ETH Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures | Dr. sc. ETH (TOP 8%) in Thermodynamics | MSc (with distinction) & BSc ETH Mechanical Engineering

My organisation

Fogging on transparent surfaces such as eyewear, windshields or medical devices obstructs vision and poses inconvenience and safety risks in various situations. Current solutions, primarily sprays and coatings, are limited by their short-term effectiveness and lack of durability.

Solabs introduces the first durable anti-fog coating that leverages heat rather than traditional wettability methods. Our nanocoating, 10’000 times thinner than a human hair, absorbs 30% of invisible near-infrared sunlight, generating heat to prevent fog formation and retain transparency. Produced with scalable industrialized technologies, it offers additional benefits, such as combinability with surface coatings and reduced heat strain of the eyes. The innovation potential has been recognized by a strong market pull across various industries.

We prioritize key markets with an initial focus on sunglasses. The adaptable nature of the coating offers development synergies for future markets such as automotive and medical.

Solabs is poised to revolutionize the anti-fog market with a durable, multifunctional solution and scalability both within the sunglass as well as across future markets

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Monday, 23 September 2024

17:30 - 19:00

Pitching Battle
