3rd Annual MSRG meeting

5 Nov 2024 | Bruxelles, Belgium

Tuesday, 5 November 2024 | 13:30 - 14:30


2 participants

Scope: Interactive discussions about specific challenges related to the three main topics with the aim to jointly develop potential pathways to improve collaboration with Member States and associated countries in those areas.

1. SIMPLIFICATION – Ways to streamline and simplify collaboration among the involved actors – EIT, its KICs, Member States, national stakeholders.  Opportunities to further improve operational processes and reduce complexity.

2. SUSTAINABILITY – The role of Member States in developing EIT KICs as strong and sustainable innovation ecosystems and ensuring the longevity of their impact and financial sustainability.

3. SYNERGIES – Existing and potential synergies with other instruments within Horizon Europe and beyond. Ways to improve alignment with other EU instruments as well as national and regional ecosystems.