3rd Annual MSRG meeting

5 Nov 2024 | Bruxelles, Belgium

5 November 2024

1040 Bruxelles, Belgium

Rue Guimard 7

EIT House

3rd Annual MSRG meeting


The 3rd Annual MSRG meeting takes place, as a full-day physical meeting, on 5 November 2024 at the EIT House in Brussels.

The meeting starts at 9h00 and is planned to finish at 16h30.

During the lunch break, we cordially invite you to a networking lunch organised in collaboration with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council with the Members of the Council Working Party on Research, the EIT management and Representatives of the EIT Community.  

This occasion offers an opportunity to gain insights into our recent activities, achievements and future plans combined with a direct exchange with the Members of the Council Working Party on Research and the EIT Management. It will take place at the EIT House premises.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 3rd Annual MSRG meeting in Brussels!

Logistics of the Meeting & your travel arrangements

Kindly note that as per the MSRG Rules of Procedure, travel and accommodation for the Representatives will be arranged by the EIT via its contractor.

In practical terms, this means that the MSRG Secretariat via its Contractor will arrange:

  • an economy return flight/1st class train between your residence/station of employment and Brussels

  • a maximum of 2 nights’ accommodation with check-in: 4 November 2024, check-out: 6 November 2024

Representatives are asked to indicate travel preferences via online registration latest EOB 21 October 2024.

We kindly ask those Representatives who will attend the meeting but will not need the EIT to arrange travel to also register online.

The Meeting

Kindly note that the draft agenda as well as the supporting documents will be circulated in due course.