Slava Merculov
Maribor, Slovenia
35 profile visitsSpeakerExhibitor
My organisation
SINPRO products and solutions help to make processes automatic and maximise your revenue.
Main advantage of our solutions is unique ecosystem which can unite all of them as single and powerful system. However these solutions also can work separately depending on the requirements and existing infrastructure.
Project-based approach and an attention to every detail let us consider each activity as unique and single chance to offer and apply our services.
About me
My organisation
- Event Management
- project management
- PSIM, video surveillance, video analytics
Speaker sessions (1)
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
11:45 - 12:20
Digital Transition of the SEE Cities, Challenges and Potentials
Format:Live streamTrack:Panel discussion
Cities have a pivotal role to play in the digital transformation of the economy, achieving sustained growth in the digital sector and leveraging high technology to serve the citizens.
Marketplace (4)
- Author
We are looking for the partners to speak same language and to share same strategy
InCentred Analytics is an instrument to upgrade your existing video surveillance system
- Distribution Partner
InCentred Number Plate is a number recognition platform to manage the access and detect wanted plates
- Distribution Partner