Adria Security Summit 2023

25–26 Oct 2023 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Alarm automatika

Distributor, Croatia
84 profile visits


Alarm automatika is a regional leader in security that conducts business in 11 countries. More than 170 employees take care of the needs of more than 2000 customers to whom the company provides reliable safety and security systems from 200+ suppliers, unique software for their centralization and integration, and professional services. The company operates in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 27001 and business safety certificates and has the right to AAA certificate of credit rating excellence. In addition to alarm stations and installers, it works directly with leading companies in the region.

Social media


CCTV and IP CamerasANPR/LPR CamerasThermal ImagingVideo Analytics SoftwareVideo Management SoftwareVideo Storage and Archiving (Servers)CCTV Poles and Columns


Mobile Access ControlAudio and Video IntercomsOpening Systems for VehiclesSecurity Locks, Fittings and Padlocks


Fire Alarm Control and Repeater PanelsExtinguishers and SprinklersSmoke and Heat Extraction SystemsExplosion Suppression SystemsExtinguishers and SprinklersFire Barrier Doors and Traps


Natasa Jurina

Head of Marketing Department

Alarm automatika

Damjan Somrak

Diplomiran inženir računalništva in informatike, Vodja veleprodaje

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Leona Kajganić

Web Administrator

Alarm automatika

Jošua Lerga

Project sales manager

Alarm automatika

Hristo Veselinov



Ines Cero

Director Alarm automatika BiH

alarm automatika

Kristian Smiljanić

Project support engineer

Alarm Automatika

Ranko Čop

Head of Engineering

Alarm automatika

Dubravko Rubčić

Project manager

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Lorena Krapic

Project support engineer

Alarm Automatika

Sanjin Hršak

Technical Support Specialist

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Lara Lazaric

Head of purchasing department

Alarm automatika d.o.o. Croatia

Ivan Zoričić

Alarm Automatika

Markelo Lukas Ćavarović

Project sales director, Export

Alarm automatika

Renata Doncevic

Project sales director

Alarm automatika

Ivan Hrvojević

Fire&Security project manager

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Manuela Parise


Alarm Automatika d.o.o.

Boštjan Jazbinšek

Technical support

Alarmautomatika Slovenia


Head of the engineering department for safety systems

Alarm automatika d.o.o

Mustafa Osmić

Project Manager

Alarm automatika d.o.o

Jani Čož

Vodja projektne prodaje / Project sales manager

Alarm Automatika d.o.o.

Antonio Kuljanac

☻ ☻

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Daniel Soric

Executive Manager

Alarm automatika d.o.o.

Zoltan Sipos

Business Development / Sales

Alarm automatika Kft

Robert Udovičić

wholesale manager


Luka Cvetković

Alarm automatika

Hosted Sessions (3)

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

11:25 - 11:45

Trends in Security and Safety of the Project Solutions

Format:Live streamTrack:Keynote

New technologies bring new risks to safety and security systems. Branko will discuss the latest security trends and their impact on end-users, installers, and designers.

14:30 - 15:30

20 years of DVC Video Surveillance System + DVC Happy Hour

Format:In-personLocation:James Bond HallTrack:Workshops and side evensts