Advanced Materials and Battery Technologies

1–2 Apr 2025 | Dresden, Germany


Andreas Willert

Deputy Head of Department

Fraunhofer Institute for Electronics Nanosystems ENAS

Chemnitz, Germany


We work in the Department Printed Functionalities @ Fraunhofer ENAS on deposition of functional materials by printing technologies, in IMMENSE on CCMs.

My organisation

The Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS is the expert and development partner in the field of Smart Systems and their integration for a wide range of applications. We offer innovative solutions and support customer projects along the entire value chain of intelligent systems. From the idea to the design, technology development or implementation based on existing technologies, to the tested prototype and technology transfer, Fraunhofer ENAS is a reliable innovation partner for start-ups, SMEs, or large companies. In addition to technology development and Smart Sensor Systems, the institute focuses on the development of application demonstrators as part of upstream product development. We develop high-precision sensors, new sensor and actuator systems based on integrated nanostructures and standard technologies, beyond CMOS devices, innovative integration technologies, advanced reliability concepts, and complement them with innovative approaches in the areas of simulation, data analysis with artificial intelligence, or system security. Through requirement engineering, we adapt the systems for different applications and embed them in more complex overarching systems. To focus our activities, Fraunhofer ENAS places emphasis on the three business units that are set up along the value chain of Smart Systems: Process, Device and Packaging Technologies, Smart Systems, Test and Reliability Solutions
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About me

Dr Andreas Willert has experience in printed electronics since 2006. He holds a PhD in physics and has been working on applications of printing technologies since 2003. Since 2007 he is deputy head of the department Printed Functionalities at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS) in Chemnitz, Germany. He carries about different activities in the areas of applying screen and inkjet printing as well as dispensing to deposit functional materials. Devices contain printed batteries, printed circuitry, wireless communication, and chemical active layers. He has initiated and run several projects using functional materials.

  • IMMENSE: inkjet-printing of catalyst layers directly onto membrane for PEMFC-CCM

  • Since 2006 projects in printed electronics

  • Since 2007 projects for catalyst printing (screen, gravure, inkjet)

  • Since 2021 Chair of IEC TC 119 - printed electronics (working on standardization)

Social media


  • inkjet printing
  • Functional Materials
  • printed electronics
  • CCM - catalyst coated membrane
  • Standardization


  • inkjet ink
  • printed electronics
  • catalysts for PEM and AEM
  • Fuel Cell
  • electrolysis

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 2 April 2025

11:00 - 11:15


  • Session 7: Materials developments adressing SDG 7 and 9

Room Michelangelo

Marketplace (1)

  • Expertise

    Printing technologies: inkjet, screen, dispensing

    We have a strong experience in inkjet and screen printing as well as dispensing of functional materials.

    • Electronics
    • Automotive and Transport
    • Nano and Microtechnologies
    • Materials, Textiles and Chemicals

    Andreas Willert

    Deputy Head of Department at Fraunhofer Institute for Electronics Nanosystems ENAS

    Chemnitz, Germany