ICECHIM(www.icechim.ro), the biggest and oldest R&D institute in chemistry and chemical engineering from Romania established in 1950 is oriented mainly on applied research for new products and technologies in the following fields: bioresources valorisation; nanomaterials; new analytical systems development; environmental protection and sustainable management of resources; increasing competitiveness of industrial products. The scientific results obtained by our institute have been recognized by: more than 300 awards, including 60 gold medals at the International Exhibition of Research and Inventions in Geneva, Hanover,Paris, Zagreb, Moscow, Brussels, Bucharest, etc; over 100 patents awarded; over 200 patents applications, including 5 EPO and 5 WIPO;over 600 papers in ISI journals, etc. ICECHIM has coordinated more than 300 national (PNCDI I, CEEX, PNCDI II, POS CCE) and dozens of international projects (FP5, FP6, FP7, Eureka, Manunet, etc).
Biotechnology &Bioanalysis group is involved in the research activities regarding bioresources and biosensing, addressing the needs for environmental protection, food analysis and industrial biotechnology
Materials for energyInnovative surfaces, coatings and interfacesHigh performance compositesFunctional materialsMaterials for environmental applicationsMaterials for electronicsMaterials and technologies for health applications