3 October 2024

Hautcharage & Belvaux, Luxembourg

Collaborative projects in Aerospace - Partnership Material Day LIST - SKYWIN

Conditions for participation

  • Participation is entirely free of charge, but registration is required

  • Access reserved for Luxembourgish and Walloon companies/actors in Aerospace

How to register

Register directly on the event website via the blue ‘Register now’ button and follow the process.

If you already have a B2match account, you can simply follow the ‘Log in’ link. Otherwise, create an account.

Once you are registered and/or connected, take a few minutes to refine your profile ( this will optimise your use of the booking module) and browse the list of B2B meeting participants.

To do this, click on your photo in the top right-hand corner and go to ‘Dashboard’. This dashboard is also your overview of everything to do with your participation in the event: what you are taking part in, your appointments, your meeting requests, what you still have to do/finalise, etc.

How to join us


Arrival for walloon companies (Mandatory)

A free bus will be waiting for you at IKEA Sterpenich to drive you to the different places and then back to your car at the end of the day.

Gathering of the delegation 8:45 | Departure time 9:00 - Please be on time !

Venue : rue de Grass 100 - 6700 Arlon Access map

Arrival for luxembourgish companies

Please, join us directly at List Hautcharage.

Meeting time : 9:30

Venue : 5 rue Bommel - Z.A.E. Robert Steichen - L-4940 Hautcharage Access map