16 Jun 2023 – 31 Mar 2024 | Italy

16 June 2023 - 31 March 2024




The AIBC EUROCLUSTERS project lauched four exciting open calls related to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC) technologies in manufacturing, mobility, logistics, and energy fields.

If you're a SME from an EU Member State or a SMP participating country, don't miss out on these incredible opportunities:

🎓 Training: Upgrade your staff knowledge with up to 5K EUR for reskilling and upskilling activities.
- Deadline: 5 September 2023, 17:00 Brussels time. CLOSED

🎓🏆 Training & Skills: Upgrade your staff knowledge and competences with up to 5K EUR for reskilling and upskilling activities related to AI / Blockchain.
- Deadline: 15 February 2024, 17:00 Brussels time. NEW

🚀 Digitalisation services and product development: Ignite your digital and green transition with up to 15K EUR for AI / Blockchain related activities following at least one of the defined topics.
- Deadlines: NEW 12 September (1st cut-off) | 16 January 2024 /2nd cut-off), 17:00 Brussels time. Call updated in July!

🌍 Participation to international events: Propel your AI / Blockchain competences towards global markets with up to 2K EUR.
- Deadlines: 5 September 2023 (1st cut-off) | 16 January 2024 /2nd cut-off), 17:00 Brussels time.

💡 Project proposals: Unlock your potential and collaborate with another SME to develop/test AI and/or BC solutions related to one of the targeted industries and at least one of the topics/challenges addressed by the call, securing up to a whopping 65K EUR.
- Deadline: NEW 12 September, 17:00 Brussels time. Call updated in July! CLOSED

Each financial support is offered as a lump sum to accelerate your progress and twin transition.

🌐 Discover more about these open calls and start your application by checking out the guidelines available at:

About the AIBC EUROCLUSTERS project

AIBC EUROCLUSTERS stands for Artificial Intelligence & BlockChain for a greener and more digital economy supported by EUROpean CLUSTERS. It is an EU funded project (Grant Agreement no. 101074645) under the “Joint Cluster Initiatives (Euroclusters) for Europe’s recovery” call for proposals - Open Strand, which invites proposals focused on cross fertilisation of various industrial ecosystems, hence with no specific focus on one industrial ecosystem.

Indeed, the AIBC EUROCLUSTERS Project is centred on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC) technologies and aims to:  

  • Further support the development of AI and BC solutions, especially those that support digitalisation, by SMEs and start-ups located in the European Union and in countries associated to the EU Single Market Programme.  

  • Support the uptake of AI and BC applications by different industrial ecosystems (manufacturing, mobility, logistics, energy) in need of twin transition implementation in order to become more resilient.  

  • Help European AI and BC SMEs access third markets and generate growth from international activities. 

  • Contribute to the reskilling and upskilling of the human capital across the EU. 

The AIBC EUROCLUSTERS Consortium is coordinated by Fondazione Piemonte Innova – FPI (IT), in partnership with bwcon research (DE), ICT Cluster (BU), Asociación Cluster de Movilidad y Logística de Euskadi – MLC (ES), Environment Park - ENVIPARK (IT) and Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster - BIC (PL). 

The AIBC EUROCLUSTERSsupport is targeted to European SMEs and start-ups working on the AI & BC technologies, from the manufacturing, mobility, logistics and energy industrial ecosystems, that are interested in adopting AI & BC solutions to be more digital, resilient and green. The project implements Open Calls to select companies and projects and thus will provide Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP).

Furthermore, the AIBC EUROCLUSTERS project will implement an analytic approach for supporting the: 

  • integration and valorisation of information from SMEs, start-ups, local stakeholders from different ecosystems. 

  • identification of the most promising opportunities related to AI, Blockchain and twin transition. 

  • Definition of support programmes and services to accelerate SMEs’ digitalisation and development of new/improved products and services.  

  • Improvement of management, coordination and collaboration capacity of EU clusters among different industrial ecosystems in the EU single market.