16 Jun 2023 – 31 Mar 2024 | Italy

ProductUpdated on 13 June 2023


Francesca Bacci

Operations at Evo Pricing

Turin, Italy


Inventory management is a key pain point in the retail supply chains. Stockouts and overstocks cause retailers trillions of dollars in waste and lost profits every year. Harvard Business School estimates that up to 72% of inventory imbalances are due to poor store-level replenishment practices.

Stockouts and dead inventory are linked to inaccurate demand forecasts feeding top-down planning and daily decisions. This often leads to:

  • Lost revenues, missed sales, and stockouts of popular items, as well as reduced impact from promotional activities

  • Wasted inventory, low turnover, and overstocks, leading to promotional pressure and diminishing margins

  • Loss of brand value, shrinking loyalty, and failure to deliver upon customer promises, associated with inadequate fulfilment of customer needs

The Evo solution: customer-centric replenishment decisions every day
InventoryAI ensures customer relevance with Prescriptive AI, rather than simply Predictive AI. The difference? Predictive AI can only tell you what will happen assuming no major disruptions, while Prescriptive AI adapts to changing conditions to help you achieve your business goals no matter what happens with a systemwide, bottom-up view of inventory allocation

The responsive Evo system empowers you to:

  • Track demand patterns accurately, based on Big Data sensors: attributes, competition, seasonality, weather, geo-spatial characteristics, social trends and discount mechanics

  • Set replenishment at any granularity, down to sub-customer level: the ability to discern allocation needs by price point, product, customer, channel, location, and day for more sales with less inventory without stockouts

  • Integrate sustainably with flexible workflows: optimal planning plus daily management and impact measurement to ensure the most profitable and sustainable allocation of inventory, while eliminating extra tedious manual work


Evo Pricing

Tech-savvy SME / Start-up

Turin, Italy

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