ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Project cooperationUpdated on 28 February 2024

Smart.Urbs project - initiated by SLP Alliance

Joris Claeys

Founder & Partner (CLEANconnect | SLP Alliance) - Lead BD, Strategy, Partnerships, Operations at CLEANconnect + CC-Mobility + SLP-alliance

Antwerp, Belgium



Seamless ModulAr inteRoperable disTribution of Urban and
in-city Regenerative approach to Bio-waSte

Innovation-oriented Approach (IoA) for Innovative Action
with Conclusive Proof of Concept

Current consortium:

SLP Alliance – _SMART Logistics Partnership
_Recyclo _– compost in city_Undisclosed for now – Poly-Technic University of Helsinki
Undisclosed for now – IT EPCIS developer
Undisclosed for now – City Porter Operator (3x CPO distribution)
Undisclosed for now – Urban farm coop collection of in-city distribution
Undisclosed for now – City Hub Operators (Brussels)
Undisclosed for now – Whole-sales
Undisclosed for now – Large Food & Beverage producer
Undisclosed for now – Large distribution operator in Belgium, France, and Finland

SLP Alliance is also arranging for collaboration with local government Urban Planning and Policy Makers (Brussels and Helsinki)

Looking for:

  • Project Coordination and principal applicant for HEU program call

  • Communication & Dissemination + reporting to EU Commission and Executive Agency in charge

  • Manufacturer of trikes + trailer – has to adapt to set standards and measures and participate in conclusive Proof of Concept (cPoC), with potential for mass-production of the Physical Handling Interfaces (5 standards to be developed, prototyped, tested, and homologated – TRL8 level delivery, with design and engineering BoM by SLP Alliance)

  • Additional CPO’s

  • Any company interested to participate, relative to HORECA in-city distribution of their products


  • Knowledge and optimisation of resource flows between urban and rural cities and within cities

  • Urban circular economy and regeneration

  • In-City distribution, temporary storage, consolidation of cargo and operational optimisation of deliveries, equipment, and other resources


Staging renewed proposal for Smart.Urbs project under ALICE-etp call CL5-2024-D5-01-06: New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicle (2ZERO Partnership).

Alternatively, this project proposal could also be applied towards Call CL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable way.


  • Planning


  • Technical
  • Sales/Distribution
  • Others


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