ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Joris Claeys

Founder & Partner (CLEANconnect | SLP Alliance) - Lead BD, Strategy, Partnerships, Operations

CLEANconnect + CC-Mobility + SLP-alliance

Antwerp, Belgium

11 profile visits

Change Cultivator Ideator co-Creator Collaboration, interoperable Innovative Transport Solutions, Maritime, Port, Mobility, Physical Internet capacity building


Change Cultivator, Ideator, Regenerative Dynamics

SLP Alliance SMART Logistics Partnership
Phased holistic dynamic approach and services for collaboration and participation, adapting to fit-for-purpose physical & digital connectivity solutions.
interoperable • compatible • connected • modular • collaborative
for modular POD solutions – Physical Internet – ecoNetworks – interoperable Supply Chain Matrix and Innovative Transport solutions
organisation on B2match:

CLEANconnect – innovation in motion
IDEATION & coCREATION for purpose-driven flow-based regenerative innovation
CC-mobilitymobility, Pi, 5PL, iITS & iSCM solutions

PortExpertisesharing experts’ advice with professionals
Project Lead & consultant
Maritime, port & mobility capacity building & operational optimisation
Collaborative SupplyChain optimisation & Innovative Transport Solutions (ITS)

Other activities:

mbraceamaze ● attract ● advance
Regenerative journey design for purpose & passion driven corporate & SME teams, scale-ups & intra-, entre- & art-preneurs

ecoNVERGEinspire ● balance ● harmony
@econologicssustainable balance in our social & economic circle of life
Chances to ChangeEmagine Life: facilitator

ARTconnectsLIFEart connects people, creativity connects life
@ARTpreneursweaving arts & creativity
ARTronomyart & gastronomy touring

Regular speaker at international conferences around ports, mobility, digitalisation, regenerative dynamics, cross-cultural agile TEAL teams & creatives.

My organisation

CLEANconnect + CC-Mobility + SLP-alliance

CLEANconnectinnovation in motion
CC-mobilitymobility, Pi, 5PL, iITS & iSCM solutions
SLP Alliance – _SMART Logistics Partnership
organisation on B2match:

IDEATION & coCREATION of spaces & partnerships for passion- & purpose-driven flow-based regenerative innovation in the areas of mobility, energy, water, tourism & creatives.

Shape ecological innovative ideas with corporate intrapreneur teams, start-ups towards scale-ups, SME's, entrepreneurs & artpreneurs:

  • enabling collaborative communities achieving regenerative models in motion

  • connecting people, project resources, initiatives & markets in their flow

  • transforming ideas into climate-positive innovative business models

Facilitate innovation in motion derived from regenerative behaviour patterns found in nature, relentlessly reviving in its flow. Projects teams are constantly on a journey in motion, driven by these adaptive, agile & regenerative principles.

Practice the 5 pillars of econological regenerative thrivability: People ● Planet ● Progress ● Purpose ● Passion.

Support ecological responsible ideas in motion from ideation towards realisation, market introduction & scale-up. Connecting responsible innovation with changing markets conditions, realising decisive impact for all stakeholders, promoting regenerative economics of scale and a more sustainable path towards healthy growth & consumption behaviour.

Generate Innovation in its flow for futures in progress!
Imagine what could be, to be the future!

Current activities:

  • CC-mobility / SLP Alliance (SMART Logistics Partnership)

    Phased holistic dynamic approach and services for collaboration and participation, adapting to fit-for-purpose physical & digital connectivity solutions for modular POD solutions – Physical Internet – ecoNetworks – interoperable Supply Chain Matrix and Innovative Transport solutions.

  • Collaboration with various eco-spaces across Europe (WiP)
Follow us at
or TW, FB & IG: @CLEANconnectnet

Social media


  • Marime Port & Mobility consultancy
  • Collaboration
  • Standardisation
  • digitalisation
  • TEAL C2C & Regenerative Dynamics coaching
  • Physical internet
  • ecoNetworks
  • Synchro-modality
  • ecoFootprint Compliance & Reporting
  • Supply Chain Segments
  • Transport Modes
  • logistics Nodes
  • Urban Nodes
  • long-distance multimodal cross-border logistics


  • independent city hubs
  • modular POD solutions
  • Interoperability
  • interoperable Supply Chain Matrix
  • Innovative Transportation Solutions
  • Collaborative SCM
  • Physical & Digital Connectivity
  • co-creation
  • new socio-economic models
  • Regeneration
  • ecological consciousness
  • in-city & Urban Distribution (First/Last-Mile)
  • (de-)consolidation Urban-edge Hubs
  • Transfer Hubs
  • Liveable Cities as Logistics Hubs

Areas of Activities


ConsultancyFreight transport and logistics operations equipmentInformation and Communication TechnologyIntermodal and combined transportMaritime and Inland waterways transportOther

Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024

CL5-2024-D5-01-06: New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicle (2ZERO Partnership)CL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable wayCL5-2024-D6-01-09: Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems


Marketplace (2)

  • Service

    SLP Alliance (SMART Logistics Partnership) services & products

    SLP Alliance (SMART Logistics Partnership) is interested in rendering its services for consortium collaboration with others in IA proposals

    • Others
    • Coaching
    • Consulting
    • Development

    Joris Claeys

    Founder & Partner (CLEANconnect | SLP Alliance) - Lead BD, Strategy, Partnerships, Operations at CLEANconnect + CC-Mobility + SLP-alliance

    Antwerp, Belgium

  • Project cooperation

    Smart.Urbs project - initiated by SLP Alliance

    Brussels region, in-city & urban distribution (pick-up of horeca waste and delivery of fresh and other products for the HORECA sector.

    • Others
    • Planning
    • Technical
    • Sales/Distribution

    Joris Claeys

    Founder & Partner (CLEANconnect | SLP Alliance) - Lead BD, Strategy, Partnerships, Operations at CLEANconnect + CC-Mobility + SLP-alliance

    Antwerp, Belgium