ALICE brokerage event Horizon Europe Calls 2024

28–29 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Claire Josquin

Partner - Senior Program Manager - Business Relations


Lille, France

23 profile visits

End to End Supply Chain visibility | Connected & Lightweight Logistics units | Analytics

My organisation




London, United Kingdom

PEOPLE is a Technology Provider giving End to End visibility to the whole Supply Chain. The team has developed Smart devices that can be installed in fields, facilities, any type of logistic units and nodes of transport; the Container2.0, which is the Eco-friendliest and only connected dry container in the world; and a platform for right-time monitoring and data analysis..
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About me

Claire is a partner & senior team member managing global programs & partnerships at PEOPLE. She manages relations with partners, key customers, organizations..; and ensures alignment and communication within PEOPLE team. 

Claire enrolled in the "Programme Grande École" and holds a Master's degree from "IESEG School of Management," one of France's top business schools.

Claire has been working around the globe, speaks over five languages, competes in triathlon and enjoys all types of social gatherings.

My organisation

PEOPLE is a Technology Provider giving End to End visibility to the whole Supply Chain. The team has developed Smart devices that can be installed in fields, facilities, any type of logistic units and nodes of transport; the Container2.0, which is the Eco-friendliest and only connected dry container in the world; and a platform for right-time monitoring and data analysis..

Social media

Areas of Activities


ConsultancyFreight transport and logistics operations equipmentInformation and Communication TechnologyOther

Horizon Europe CALL TOPICS 2024

CL5-2024-D5-01-06: New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicle (2ZERO Partnership)CL5-2024-D6-01-06: Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transportCL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable wayCL5-2024-D6-01-09: Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems

Marketplace (2)

  • Service

    End to End Supply Chain Visibility

    PEOPLE proposes solutions for a fully connected and net zero carbon emissions global freight transport.

    • Others
    • Consulting
    • Development
    • Manufacturing

    Claire Josquin

    Partner - Senior Program Manager - Business Relations at PEOPLE

    Lille, France