Juliane Ahrens


Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH

Schwerin, Germany

7 profile visits

Represent the next green energy region: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Site selection, Funding, Network - Let's get in touch!


My organisation

Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH


Invest in MV is the business development agency for the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

We know every site, its conditions and opportunities - because that is what we do! With our help, your company can find exactly what you need.

Ask us anything! We are your full-service provider, helping you settle in our region.

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Additional questions

Organization type


Areas of Activities

Industry sector

Aeronautics & space AutomotiveBiotechnology Chemical Consumer products & retail Ecology and environment ElectronicsEnergy Equipment, technologies, instruments Food & ingredients Forestry & wood Green technology & sustainability HealthICT & telecom InfrastructureLife sciences, medicine & pharmaceuticals Machinery & equipment Maritime & ship building Mechanical engineering Mining & petrochemical industry New materials Printing, paper & packaging Raw materials RecyclingLogistic & transportationWater management Software developmentDigitalization

Access to finance offered

Debt finance (Loans..) European Funding Programme (H2020)


Commercialisation and partnerships Consultancy

Value Chain

Auditing & analyzing Business development Investment/ financing


Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH


Schwerin, Germany

Marketplace (4)