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ServiceUpdated on 10 June 2024

Supply Chain - Scope 3 Reduction

Marco Colombari

Energy engineer at Bluefoundation

Milano, MI, Italy


The Elephant in the Room. Scope 3 emissions reduction.
To date, many businesses have started or completed counting their Scope 3 emissions, some as a first estimate, some more precisely. Some of them have also already committed to an emission reduction target by 2030 or 2040.
All of that sounds great. However, when someone starts looking at the planned and quantified actions for Scope 3 emissions reduction, or at the historical reduction trajectory, then the great news often vanishes.
Conscious of the undoubtedly intricate challenge, Bluefoundation has developed a platform to help gain control and foster action. Platforms are based on matching the needs of at least two categories of players, offering them a win-win solution. In this case, large corporates and SME suppliers.
Large corporates can engage their supply chain, tracking player by player their current emissions, their reduction targets and their progress. SME suppliers, on the other hand, will have access to a GHG-protocol-based carbon footprint calculator and, more interestingly, to a tailored decarbonization plan, made up of concrete interventions. No need for energy or sustainability experts to answer the questions to obtain the plan, and guess what? Less emissions often means lower costs in these circumnstances.
But that's not all. Educational webinars, roundtables and best practice examples will be organised and provided by Bluefoundation's sustainability experts to the registered platform users, to ensure everyone is equipped to make meaningful progress and achieve success.

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