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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Demonstrator of a hydrogen storage system and second-life battery facility - Marche Polytechnic University (UNIVPM), Italy

Mosè Rossi

Assistant Professor at Marche Polytechnic University



My name is Mosè Rossi and I am an Assitant Professor at Marche Polytechnic University (UNIVPM) in Ancona, center of Italy. The energy system research group works on several subjects like i) multi-carrier energy modelling systems, ii) hydrogen (numerical codes developed in-house for resembling performance of electrolyzers, fuel cells, and hydrogen storage systems) and batteries (second-life), and iii) energy recovery through hydraulic machines (e.g., Pump-as-Turbines) and CFD analysis.

We have participated/are participating in different H2020 projects and we, as a partner, are looking for a consortium in which our expertise could be interesting for the sake of the project the consortium wants to propose.

Regarding the second point, we have an integrated hydrogen system (lab scale) that is composed of i) an alkaline electrolyser (23 kWe), ii) metal hydrates hydrogen storage with a capacity of 6,000 l/standard conditions), and a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell of 1 kWe. This system can be used to provide flexibility to the microgrid of the Monte Dago site where the faculties of engineering, natural science, and agriculture of UNIVPM have a place. Flexibility is the decoupling of both energy production and supply. The integrated hydrogen system is composed of those technologies that allow to have Power-to-Power. Since the hydrogen production (4 Nm3/h at rated operating conditions) is higher than the fuel cell consumption (0.78 Nm3/h at rated operating conditions), the fuel cell operation can be extended. According to the load, hydrogen management can be done as well.

Regarding the batteries, we have two electric BESSs with 5 kWh of capacity together with two inverters of 3 kWe each for AC/DC conversion and controlling the charging/discharging phases. The idea to use second-life batteries for steady operation purposes is of interest and we would like to characterize their operation also considering their SOH after being used for several cycles.

For further details, please write to this e-mail address mose.rossi@staff.univpm.it

Looking forward to receiving your message!



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