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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Next generation of renewable energy technologies


The project aims to study:

• High-Temperature Hydrogen Cells (this also implies electrolyzers and fuel cells) - Traditional fuel cells operate at lower temperatures, which limits their efficiency. High-temperature hydrogen cells can produce electrical current and generate hot water. This dual output can optimize energy use, especially in residential and industrial settings.

• Versatile Batteries - Integrating battery storage with hydrogen systems can smooth out the energy supply, storing excess energy produced and releasing it when demand peaks.

• Dual-Fuel Hydrogen Cells - There's a growing interest in hydrogen cells operating on both natural gas and hydrogen. Such dual-fuel systems can act as a bridge – utilizing the existing natural gas infrastructure while the world transitions to a hydrogen-based economy.


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Validator/Living lab
  • Consultant
  • Investor
  • Other

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