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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

TRL 4-8 testing of CCS-technology & SMART grid

Matthias Kock

Senior Project Developer at Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult Center

Stord, Norway


Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult Center provides access to a state of the art test-facility for carbon capture and storage. This facility is located in Moss, Southern Norway. In addition, we offer test-facilities for smart grid solutions. Write us for further information. We are interested in addin value to your application under the following call modules

CM2023-01Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks

CM2023-04 Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)

Contact us if you need help with prototyping, test- and verification (up to scalable solutions).

Sustainable Energy | Norsk Katapult Senter


  • Validator/Living Lab
  • Demonstrator

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