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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Call for partners (TRI 7): Circular Industrialisation for Energy Active Construction & Renovation

Chris Leinders

Head of the Construction & Industry Centre of Expertise at PXL Construction & Industry Centre of Expertise



We are looking for partners to submit an Innovation proposal in TRI7 'Integration in the Build Environment'. We have expertise in the adaptation and implementation circular industrialisation throughout the entire value chain of the build environment. With this proposal we would like to adapt elements which can make a building Energy Active to the principles of circular industrialisation, allowing for an easier, cheaper and more flexibel implementation throughout the value chain of the build environment. We are looking for partners which can deliver the technologies and elements which can make a building Energy Active; partners which can assist with the communication and interaction between all these ellements and partners which can assist with the interaction with the grid.


  • Technology Partner
  • R&D Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Validator/Living lab
  • Investor
  • Other

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