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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Material design and development

Jörg Kaspar

Group Leader Materials and Failure Analysis at Fraunhofer IWS



Fraunhofer IWS supports in the development and adaptation of materials for additive manufacturing, coating and joining. Based on the requirement profile requested by our customers, we develop solution proposals for material design and processing, produce test samples and evaluate the suitability of the newly developed materials in laboratory scale. We focus on metallic materials for structural but also functional applications. Our methodology is based on the combination of thermodynamic state calculations with laser-based synthesis processes for high-throughput screening of new material compositions as well as efficient structure and property analyses. In addition to the desired property improvement, we also take expectations regarding the cost and sustainability of the material, the material processing and the entire product into account.


  • Technology Partner
  • Project Conception and/or Coordination
  • R&D Partner
  • Validator/Living Lab

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