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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

CM2023-05: e-fuel production from syngas

Domenico Macri

R&D Engineer at Techfem Spa



This project proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to leverage wet waste gasification technology to produce e-methane and/or e-fuels through direct hydrogenation of the syngas generated. The primary objectives of this project are to convert wet waste into sustainable energy products, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and establish a viable waste-to-energy solution.

This initiative will involve enhancing an existing wet waste gasification pilot plant by adding a hydrogenation unit for syngas treatment, alongside gas purification and product refinement units. The project offers a range of benefits, including reduced reliance on fossil fuels, methane emissions reduction from landfills, job creation, and environmental preservation.

We are actively seeking collaborative partners within Europe to explore opportunities for upscaling this technology to an industrial scale, potentially through a demonstration phase or early commercial implementation. Additionally, we aim to conduct research and testing on hydrogenation catalysts and technology to further advance this sustainable energy solution.


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Demonstrator
  • Validator/Living lab
  • Consultant
  • Investor

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