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ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

QBivio's Micro ORC Expertise Unleashes Opportunities for Clean Energy Transformation in CET Partnership

Ersoy Yüksel

Gözalıcı Energy Ltd.



Unlocking Opportunities with Qbivio's Expertise

As a dedicated participant in the Clean Energy Transition Partnership, Qbivio brings a wealth of expertise and innovation to the table. Our Micro Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology opens up a world of possibilities for advancing the clean energy transition and driving positive change. Here are some key opportunities that can be harnessed through Qbivio's unique capabilities and knowledge:

  1. Integration with Renewable Energy Sources: Qbivio's Micro ORC technology is exceptionally compatible with various renewable energy sources such as solar thermal, geothermal, and biomass. By integrating our systems with these sources, we can enhance the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy production, making it more accessible and cost-effective.

  2. Industrial and Waste Heat Recovery: Many industrial processes generate substantial waste heat that often goes untapped. Qbivio's expertise lies in efficiently capturing and converting this waste heat into electricity. Collaborating within the partnership, we can identify opportunities to implement Micro ORC systems in industrial settings, reducing energy waste and bolstering sustainable practices.

  3. Grid Decentralization: Qbivio's Micro ORC technology is inherently decentralized, allowing for on-site energy generation. This offers an opportunity to reduce strain on centralized grids and enhance energy security. By exploring applications in distributed energy generation, we can help create more resilient and responsive energy systems.

  4. Rural Electrification: Access to reliable electricity is a fundamental necessity, especially in remote and underserved areas. Qbivio's scalable Micro ORC systems provide a viable solution for rural electrification projects. Through partnerships within the CET, we can work to extend energy access and improve the quality of life for communities in need.

  5. Innovation in Energy Efficiency: The CET Partnership is dedicated to advancing research and innovation. Qbivio is committed to ongoing R&D efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Micro ORC technology. Collaborating within the partnership provides a platform to exchange knowledge and accelerate the development of clean energy solutions.

  6. Tailored Solutions: Our modular approach to Micro ORC technology enables us to customize solutions based on specific project requirements. This flexibility opens doors to a wide range of applications, from small-scale installations to large industrial projects. We are eager to work with partners within CET to tailor solutions that address unique clean energy challenges.

  7. Environmental Stewardship: Qbivio's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions aligns seamlessly with the partnership's environmental objectives. By harnessing low-temperature heat sources and promoting sustainable energy practices, we can collectively contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

In conclusion, Qbivio's expertise in Micro ORC technology offers a plethora of opportunities to enhance clean energy initiatives within the Clean Energy Transition Partnership. We are enthusiastic about collaborating with like-minded partners to drive innovation, promote sustainability, and accelerate the global transition to clean energy. Together, we can make a lasting and meaningful impact on the energy landscape, benefiting communities, industries, and the environment alike. Let's seize these opportunities and shape a brighter, cleaner future.


  • Technology Partner
  • R&D Partner
  • Investor
  • Project Conception and/or Coordination

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