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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

CM2023-03A/03B: Last PARTNER to increase the efficiency of OFPV farms for an enhanced energetic network performance.

Jose Manuel Vadillo

I+D Project Engineering at Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Componentes (CTC)



The main objective of OCEANVS is to increase the efficiency of OFPV farms for an enhanced energetic network performance, through innovative materials, coatings, mooring systems and digital twin monitoring, developments that will be implemented in an innovative, zero-emission, low cost and modular offshore floating photovoltaic structure with the ultimate goal of reducing the CAPEX and OPEX. 

At this point, we are looking for two partners to adress the following task (that could be changed based on the partner expertise):
Partner 1: Design of the mooring and anchoring systems including load reduction system and incorporation of green steel.

Partner 2: Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis (LCOE) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Methodology for minimising installation, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning costs.  Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA).  Location based biofouling assessment.


  • R&D Partner
  • Technology Partner
  • Other

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