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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Swedish university seeks project partners for Clean Energy Transition Partnership Full Proposal (CETP, CM2023-04), Deadline 27 March 2024

Benny Borghei

Senior Researcher at Enterprise Europe Network / Research Institutes of Sweden

Gothenburg, Sweden


Applicants from the following areas are fully-funded:
Italy, Ireland, Spain, Malta, Hungary, Israel, Spain (EUSKADI), France (Pays de la Loire).

Others can join with self-financing.

Partners with competence in the following areas are sought for CET-Partnership Full Proposal Call Module CM2023-04 : Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)

WP2. Production of Electrode Material for Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries:
• Investigate and enhance the structural properties of chemically modified biochar as negative electrode material for lithium and sodium-ion batteries, and to optimize the chemical treatments for constructing a macro-porous framework suitable for battery electrodes.
• Perform electrochemical characterization of the biochar derived carbon materials, and to characterize and analyze the morphology, surface area, pore structure, and chemical composition of the produced carbon nanospheres.

WP3. Biochar Production to Composite Manufacturing:
• Explore potential applications of biochar as a composite material, and to evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of biochar composites.
• Develop and investigate the biochar decorated ceramic membrane and to design and perform the membrane contactor system for CO2 capture
• Address technical, economic, or regulatory barriers hindering the adoption of biochar composites in the industry

WP4. Fermentation of Syngas from Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis:
• Design and develop a syngas fermentation system capable of biologically converting carbon monoxide (CO) into hydrogen (H2) and acetic acid.
• Achieve high CO conversion rates with the development of a robust anaerobic culture suitable for syngas fermentation, and to evaluate the efficiency of syngas fermentation in different reactor designs and operating pressures.

WP5. Application of Biochar for soil amendment:
• Explore the biological treatment methods for enhancing the physicochemical and functional properties of biochar obtained by co-pyrolysis for soil amendments, and to investigate the soil contaminant removal efficiency of bioengineered biochar.
• Characterize and analyze the porosity, cationic exchange capacity, surface area, and surface functional groups of the biologically modified biochar.

More details:


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