HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

ServiceUpdated on 15 April 2024

Changing the Carbon game


This is us...

Representatives of agricultural sector (chamber of agriculture)

Experimental plots in agriculture

Specialists for soil

Representatives of secondary schools --> distributors

Specialists on biogas and biochar

Members of a number of other networks 


laboratory and pilot plants Pyrolysis

Representatives of agricultural sector (chamber of agriculture)

Experimental plots in agriculture

Specialists for soil

Representatives of secondary schools --> distributors

Specialists on biogas and biochar

Members of a number of other networks 


laboratory and pilot plants Pyrolysis

participatory approach

We want...

Raising awareness of the use of residual materials -> Citizen participation projects interests

valorisation of organic material flows --> development of business cases

--> Value creation concepts of organic residual materials on regional/ decentralised solutions

--> Soil improvement through the use of residual materials benefit (fertiliser reduction...) (N cycle....)

Recycling concepts

which residues for which valorisation strategy... Benefit


Raising awareness of the use of residual materials -> Citizen participation projects interests

valorisation of organic material flows --> development of business cases

--> Value creation concepts of organic residual materials on regional/ decentralised solutions

--> Soil improvement through the use of residual materials benefit (fertiliser reduction...) (N cycle....)

Recycling concepts

which residues for which valorisation strategy... Benefit


  • Validator/Living Lab
  • Technology Partner
  • Project Conception and/or Coordination
  • R&D Partner
  • Demonstrator

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