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Project cooperationUpdated on 15 April 2024

Processing of biomass residues in decentralized thermochemical biorefineries

Manuel Schwabl

Area Management at BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies



Efficient and cascading utilization concepts are a basic requirement for sustainable energy supply and production. A wide range of conversion products are obtained from gasification and pyrolysis processes. In this regard, new technologies, processes and respective products for specific applications are to be developed based on sound expert knowledge on thermochemical conversion and extensive experience with different types of biomass materials. Particularly promising in this regard are decentralized solutions to avoid long distance transportation of raw materials and products, and to reinforce regional value chains and to close regional material cycles. Solutions may be implemented as end-of-pipe technologies for biomass-based production processes or will support the diversification of agricultural production by sanitation & upgrading of (own) residues (slurry, digestate, sewage sludge, slaughter waste,…) to energy and valuable material, thus supporting optimal utilization of regional residual material potential and decentral production of bioproducts, biocrudes, syngas & energy.

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